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¥ 价格面议
¥ 价格面议
¥ 价格面议
易卖工控网(www.ymgk.com)提供”9102A 50KN 压力传感器 KISTLER 原装正品质保一年”,产品详情:品牌/厂家:、型号:9102A 50KN、成色:全新、货期:现货 1天内发货、保修:365天,更多产品详情就上易卖工控网。
在CP 400Soft中选择文件/上传配方,此时屏幕.上会显示另存为对话框。输入要保存的配方文件(* .RCP)的名称。单击保存。操作员终端上传配方时,屏幕上会显示Uploading recipes下载配方在CP 400Soft中打开包含要下载的配方的应用程序文件。选择文件1下载配方显示打开对话框。输入配方文件(*.RCP)的名称,并单击打开。操作员终端下载配方时,屏幕上会显示Downloading recipes:
Upload Recipe Select file/upload recipe in CP 400Soft, then screen. Save as dialog box is displayed on. Enter the name of the recipe file (* . RCP) to save. Click Save. When the operator Terminal uploads the recipe, the screen displays the Uploading recipes download recipe in CP 400Soft to open the application file containing the recipe to be downloaded. Select File 1 to download the recipe display to open the dialog box. Enter the name of the recipe file (* . RCP) and Click Open. When the operator terminal downloads the recipe, the screen displays the downloaded recipes: