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易卖工控网(www.ymgk.com)提供”FS211N 巴赫曼 原装正品质保一年”,产品详情:品牌/厂家:Bachmann巴赫曼、型号:FS211N、成色:全新、货期:现货 1天内发货、保修:365天,更多产品详情就上易卖工控网。
The 7200 monitor can be combined with all infrared sensors to provide a cost-effective solution for the measurement and application of suspended solids, turbidity and sludge concentration. The monitor has a large character display that can display the measured value and a scrolling information bar that displays the measurement status. The menu structure includes a setup wizard to help users with system configuration and general verification. The wizard program ensures fast and easy installation and easy maintenance without consulting the user manual. The calibration routine has a feature that allows the user to notify the instrument that a sample is being taken, wait for the results from the laboratory, and then enter a value. The instrument will automatically calibrate according to the new results. During the time between sampling and input results, the instrument will continue to operate according to the previous calibration Other features include statistics on maximum and minimum values, and password protection on the keyboard to ensure that system settings are not incorrectly changed. Field mounted enclosures reach IP65 protection level (for outdoor devices). If necessary, more enclosures can be provided for harsh environments.