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ABB CI840A 3BSE041882R1

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ABB TU847 3BSE022462R1

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易卖工控网(www.ymgk.com)提供”RC610工控设备备件ABB”,产品详情:品牌/厂家:ABB、型号:RC610、成色:全新、货期:现货 1天内发货、保修:180天,更多产品详情就上易卖工控网。

RC610了确保系统的稳定和快速响应。3.1 系统转矩优化测试Fully meet the requirements of real-time acquisition and controlOther PLC fixed communication data storage addresses are inconvenient for application. S7-1200 can define different data addresses for different sub statRC610工控设备备件ABB RC610,RC610,RC610RC610工控设备备件ABB RC610,RC610,RC610RC610工控设备备件ABB RC610,RC610,RC610RC610工控设备备件ABB RC610,RC610,RC610RC610工控设备备件ABB RC610,RC610,RC610ome PLC communication instruction packages such as Omron or delta fix the data read by each communication in a specific register. When you want to use it, you can "transfer" it out of this register for use. This always means that when PLC reads different data of the same equipment or different equipment, you must "plan" to "move" the data you need from the public fixed data register "accurately" and "timely" according to different times, otherwise the public fixed data register may be replaced by "new" data refresh, resulting in data confusion. To complete these tasks, you must have good programming habits and write a lot of programs for timing processing. If the amount of data is large, it is definitely a test for an engineer.

S7-1200 is much more flexible in this regard. You can put the data you read into any defined data background data block, which is very easy and simple. 0近新能源汽车和锂电池生产线的话题非常火爆,国内锂电大厂宁德时代加速布局海外市场,0近宣布了计划投资73.4亿欧元(相当于500亿人民币),在匈牙利建设0二座欧洲工厂,生产新能源锂电池,以供应欧洲市场的新能源汽车。之前也有消息说,宁德时代计划投资50亿美元在北美建厂,因为各种敏感性问题,北美计划暂时被搁置。0对值编码器在新建生产线上可以起到什么作用?



出差要少,调试周期要短,一次通过率要高,使用维护要简单方便,要快速出产能。 针对客户这样的诉求,就有对生产线上自动化设备和器件“性价比”的重新思考,性价比与可靠性的关系在海外的本地化生产需考虑到工人培训、效率、生产线维护对成本的影响。


可见“技术为本,性价比为纲”已是科技大佬们共同思考的问题。   无论是海外建厂还是国内新建生产线,生产线上设备如何考虑性价比和可靠性?中国制造的自动化设备在海外的生产线上能占多少比重?如何降低采用进口器件受涨价因素和货期因素的影响?上海0浦编码器已有多年随着设备出口欧洲的经验,也有国内参与自动化生产线建设应用的经验,那么我们的0对值编码器在生产线上起什么样的作用呢?






那么我们认为,生产线上的性价比应该是如下的理解   接下来以锂电生产线为例,在各类车用锂电池制造设备中,一提到制造能力的先进高效,往往会想到各种伺服电机作为执行元器件的控制系统,但是由于电池的制造工艺,在各种生产工序中并非都是由伺服电机来完成,也有部分是步进电机甚至是气缸,比如辊压就是有气缸定位的。

     在传统的伺服中,编码器是作为电机末端的传感,各个机位同步就需要接收来自编码器实时位置反馈,控制器通过工业总线或者工业以太网串联,逐个扫描位置数据,即使再快的总线和再快的PLC也会存在些许延时,这就需要专业的伺服技术人员现场调试,有时候设备使用时间久了,机械磨损损耗较大,机械磨损后定位位置发生改变,还需要专业技术人员现场调整和维护,在电池生产线大批量产能需求下,使用成本和维护成本就增加了。 在机械终端加0对值编码器,作为前端传感,位置数据直接并联输出到控制器,同步采集,无论有多少个点同时工作,也无论是采用气缸或者步进电机驱动,都可以实现不同执行器间协同工作,而且不需要繁琐的调试,只需要手动校准,把位置值写入控制器,控制器运行时读到数值输出开关点,控制机器,工作效率显著提高,更加稳定可靠,现场调试简单,且后期维护也方便这里提到开关点,有懂技术的会说用光电开关定位,但是在电池生产线上比如焊头、比如压辊是柔性的,只靠一两个开关点显然不能满足0确定位的要求,而且一旦过冲还会损坏设备,所以需要柔性的传感器方案,单圈0对值编码器就被当作“柔性电子凸轮开关”使用。 我们把单圈0对值编码器简单理解为360度里面有很多个位置开关组合,假设把360度分成360个开关点编码,控制设备(比如PLC或单片机)接收到编码,可以根据需要选择这360个位置中任意位置作为电子凸轮的输出开关点,作为“凸轮进-减速”输出和“凸轮出-复归位”输出,来控制机械装置周而复始的往复工作。  这种柔性的电子式凸轮开关0度高、重复性高、可靠性高,在多个位置上可以有多个凸轮开关点,根据需要任意位置编程输出,非常适合只需简单重复而又要求可靠的应用,就如在锂电的焊接和封装生产线上那简单重复的工序要求。

      有了0对值编码器,调试的时候只需要手动锁定几个点的位置,然后在PLC程序里面记入位置值,以后就不会再改变,编程与调试非常简单,后期使用也能保证长期可靠。 关于0对值编码器输出信号,因为大多数工控设备都会用到模拟量接口,模拟量采集模块是同时采集所有输入信号,同步性高、兼容性好,而且现场检查故障只需要一只万用表非常方便,所以4-20mA信号的模拟量信号的单圈0对值编码器具有接线简单、读数简单、调试简单、检修简单诸多优点,在0度要求不高可靠性要求极高的场合下,反而受到现场工程师们的偏好。


5.耐较高温度,较长使用寿命 在当前的自动化设备使用伺服电机控制已经成为一种先进的潮流,设备自动化必须高效,而且简单可靠。如果搞得技术复杂了,调试周期长,维护服务都麻烦。而简单高效、可靠耐用的电子凸轮类型的编码器,在工厂自动化设备上越来越受欢迎,这种简单重复性的自动化加工,就交给0对值编码器与一般PLC,就能轻松搞定了0对值数字码盘,内置信号转换,4~20mA模拟电流与RS485双输出,方便连接各品牌PLC及上位机设备。







数字化是ABB中国运动控制事业部的重点战略项目之一,也是一个不断学习,实践,创新和提升的征程。在发展数字化业务的道路上,我们加大数字化产品的研发力度,并发布了多款数字化产品,包括云连接助手盘、传动在线等,同时提出了云传动这一概念。我们今年还推出了一款面向各行业OEM客户的高品质定制化工业变频器柜体——ACS880-07C。它结合丰富的柜体设计经验和严格的安全标准,根据各个行业的应用特 点而设计,不仅可以更好地满足客户的定制化需求,而且还能实现更快交付。此外,ACS880-07C还标配了ABB云连接助手控制盘,加速助力客户实现数字化转型升级。


In general, for remote data transmission, 4G intelligent gateway devices can be used to realize remote data transmission for different protocols and interface devices. Many such enterprises have their own cloud platforms, and customers can use the cloud platforms to achieve remote maintenance and reduce maintenance costs. In terminal automation, robot applications are often used, specifically when handling cardboard stacking, or when secondary packaging and tray heat sealing are involved. At this time, the protection of personal safety is particularly important, and safety is generally guaranteed by protective devices. In case of maintenance or failure, the machine must be able to resume operation quickly and safely to minimize non productive downtime.

Whether it is access protection and safety door interlocking, safe restart interlocking of robot units, diagnosis and visualization tasks for rapid troubleshooting, or safe transportation of packaging materials through automatic guided vehicles (AGVS) and vehicle systems (AGVS) - pirci can provide appropriate automation solutions for terminal packaging. Safety of retractable packaging and heat sealed pallets

In order to safely monitor the film stretching machine, high equipment availability and operational safety (due to high temperature) must be achieved. This situation is suitable for a complete security solution including the security radar system psenradar and the configurable small controller PNOZmulti 2 - including the compliance evaluation of the whole machine. This is especially suitable for applications in harsh environments up to EN ISO 13849-2 PL D / cat 3, even where dust and dirt accumulate.

Modular safety door system can flexibly protect safety

In terminal packaging using palletizing or robots, protection with safety doors must be adopted. Pilci's modular security door system supports a flexible combination of custom security door monitoring and optional access rights. From the safety process protection using psenslock or the interlock and protection lock using the safety door sensor psenmlock, to the appropriate accessories (such as the psenmlock operation module with integrated actuator and integrated escape release device), and the pitgatebox button unit for easy operation of the safety door system, the products of pirci can be combined separately to meet the requirements of users. The integrated access authorization system pitrader is provided as a user authentication option. Of course, diagnosis and safety series connection can also be performed by safety equipment diagnosis. AGV enables safe material handling

When transporting packaging materials or European standard pallets, the safety of workers and the surrounding environment of automatic guided vehicles and vehicle systems (AGVS / AGVS) must always be ensured. Based on ISO 3691-4, from concept to commissioning (including compliance assessment), pirmagnetic can help users coordinate the application of AGV system. In order to safely transport European standard pallets, pirci's safety laser scanner psenscan and modular safety relay mypnoz are responsible for the safety protection and dynamic navigation of the AGV system, which can be easily integrated through the ready to use ROS module. AGV solutions also include control and signal equipment pitestop and pitsign as well as industrial safety bridges to prevent tampering and misoperation. Today, the Internet Network Based on TCP / IP protocol family provides us with a platform for information sharing. Thanks to the open interconnection characteristics of TCP / IP, more and more communication networks and intelligent devices are connected to the Internet. With the progress and development of modern industry and science and technology, the characteristics of networking and distribution in the field of industrial control are more and more obvious, and the demand is increasing day by day. Industrial control has gradually developed from the traditional field control to the remote monitoring mode. The powerful Internet and the increasingly mature data communication technology make distance no longer a constraint, so the industrial control network has been extended.

The wireless data operation network supported by 4G / 5G technology provides a reliable data channel for the industrial data transmission field. With its wireless access, Internet connection and high data transmission rate, it has been able to realize remote data transmission in the industrial field and complete the networking of industrial remote control. At present, in China, 4G / 5G technology is used as the carrier to provide voice and data services for its users. With the development of wireless communication technology, 4G / 5G products are more and more widely used in the field of data transmission, especially the emergence of 4G / 5G communication modules accelerates the development of this application. Based on years of experience in the field of wireless technology, Beijing Dongyong technology has developed orb305 series products based on TCP / IP network and 4G / 5G network for industrial users in view of the characteristics and needs of today's industrial field. Orb305 series products are characterized by wide temperature operation, wide voltage power supply, high reliability, good adaptability to industrial environment, easy installation and maintenance. It can provide customers with high-speed, always on-line and transparent data transmission, which can fully meet the needs of industrial data collection, transmission and monitoring, and can be widely used in the industrial automation industry. 2、 Scheme design basis

2.1 safety and reliability

Considering that the industrial automation control system has a certain special demand for data, the safety of data should be fully considered in the design of the whole system, and the reliability of equipment should be measured in the selection of equipment to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the whole system.

2.2 progressiveness and practicability of Technology

While ensuring the application of industrial users, it also reflects the progressiveness of the wireless network system. In network design, we should combine advanced technology with existing mature technology and standards, and fully consider the current situation and future development trend of wireless network applications.

2.3 flexibility and scalability

According to the needs and changes of future applications of industrial users, it shall have sufficient access capability and scalability, including the provision of multiple access methods and the scalability of access, the expansion of bandwidth, the smooth upgrade of rate and the scalability of processing capacity, so as to minimize the adjustment of network architecture and existing equipment.

2.4 manageability

Considering that the lower end devices of industrial users are scattered and difficult to maintain, the scheme adopts a centralized management network architecture to monitor the operation status of the devices in real time and remotely set the lower computer through the monitoring center.

2.5 compatibility and economy

Compatibility, which can ensure the availability and continuity of various computer software and hardware resources in the network to the maximum extent; Economy: under the condition of making full use of existing resources, the overall investment in the network system can be minimized. Implement it in a planned and step-by-step manner, and make full use of existing network equipment or make necessary upgrades on the premise of ensuring the overall performance of the network.

3、 Network architecture description 3.2 scheme description

Project site:

The actual project site will be composed of a variety of equipment, and the operation and status of these equipment will be collected and monitored through one or more built-in Ethernet PLCs. The 4G wireless industrial router has a built-in 100Mbps Ethernet interface, which is connected to the Ethernet port of one or more Ethernet PLCs on site to form the project site network. The 4G wireless industrial router can supply power through the 24VDC output of Siemens PLC, and automatically connect to the Internet after power on, and establish an encrypted security tunnel with the "VPN firewall" at the front end of Juyuan monitoring center.

The security tunnel is used to ensure that the communication data flowing to "Juyuan monitoring center" and "project site network" are not obtained by illegal Internet users. At the same time, the "project site network" is seamlessly connected with the "Juyuan monitoring center". The center maintenance personnel can directly access the IP address of the equipment in the "project site network" to change the configuration of the field equipment.

Juyuan monitoring center:

Juyuan center contains all core applications of the enterprise. It is generally composed of wired network access (with fixed public network IP address), firewall supporting VPN access, router, and maintenance personnel.

As a manager, you can maintain or monitor the equipment on the project site manually or through the existing application services of the enterprise.

Travel maintenance engineer:

Maintenance engineers in different places will participate in remote customer support for a variety of reasons. The maintenance engineer can access the Internet and establish a connection with the equipment on the customer's site through the security authentication of Juyuan monitoring center. Based on Dongyong technology's wireless remote maintenance solution, Juyuan can obtain a perfect system that meets the following characteristics:

The project site network is unattended, and the 4G wireless industrial router is online 7 * 24 hours.

4G wireless industrial router does not need to buy a separate switching power supply, and can be directly powered by PLC power supply.

The network access at the project site does not require operator wiring, and 4G wireless industrial routers quickly access the Internet through 4G networks all over the world.

4G wireless industrial router integrates multi-level security functions, and users do not need to purchase other network security equipment.

Improve the utilization rate of human resources: Juyuan maintenance personnel can analyze the on-site fault engineering through the safety tunnel. If it can be solved remotely, maintenance engineers can be prevented from going back and forth to the fault site. If it cannot be solved, arrange accessories and nearby engineers to eliminate the fault.

Improve the corporate image and create secondary value: Juyuan can collect the status of front-end equipment in real time by using the existing business system. If it is found that the front-end equipment shows fault characteristics, the maintenance of this equipment shall be arranged in advance. In this way, the downtime of the equipment can be greatly reduced and the reliability of the product can be improved. It can also improve the image of the enterprise in the hearts of users, reduce the maintenance cost of the enterprise, and provide sufficient strength for Juyuan to win the high-end market in the future industry competition. PLC

With Ethernet interface, IP address and gateway can be configured.


Connect the 4G / 5G network and establish VPN connection with the central end access router, so that the central end can communicate with the lower end PLC, monitor and program it.

UIM / SIM card:

It is used for 4G / 5G router (orb305) dialing to operator network.

(2) Monitoring center end: VPN Router:

It is used for the central monitoring room to access the network, establish VPN connection with the lower end orb305 wireless router, manage the lower end 4G / 5G router, and provide office Internet access.

Enterprise broadband access:

Use enterprise broadband provided by China Telecom and China Unicom, or commercial ADSL (including public network IP address).

PC / Server:

As long as the monitoring software can be run.

Central monitoring software:

The monitoring software is mainly used to collect the lower end PLC data and control the corresponding equipment.

PLC programming software:

Used to initialize and change PLC programs.

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