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易卖工控网(www.ymgk.com)提供”ABB 模块 IC086SLM242 控制器 卡件 顺丰包邮”,产品详情:品牌/厂家:ABB、型号:IC086SLM242、成色:全新、货期:现货 1天内发货、保修:180天,更多产品详情就上易卖工控网。
In order to ensure safety production and realize emergency treatment of emergency accidents, the external automatic tracking regulator is installed on the six regulator circuits. In case of control system failure, the tracking regulator is automatically switched to control the regulating valve independently of DCS; 21 main valves are equipped with emergency treatment button, which is independent of DCS to realize forced switch on the valve. 2.3. hardware configuration:Omron C200 PLC is selected in the control station, and 9 digital modules (od211/ id212), 4 analog modules (ad003) and 3 regulating modules (pid03) are configured; The operation station adopts Dell opt gx150 computer; The engineer station adopts compa PC. The composition is as follows:2.4. software configuration of control station:The configuration of control station is based on the system software SSS of OMRON as the technical platform and ladder diagram as programming tool. The configuration contents are as follows:2.4.1.allocation of PLC internal address:I/o address distribution: the i/o address of PLC is the only one-to-one register address for data communication between PLC and field detection equipment and actuator. The allocation of i/o address is the basis for further configuration of PLC; For omron-c200, i/o address is related to the connected i/o module; The i/o address of the field equipment connected to the digital module depends on the installation position and the point number on the module. The i/o address of the field equipment connected to the analog module and PID module depends on the unit number of the i/o module (different modules shall be set with different unit numbers through the hard opening and closing of the module) and the point number on the module; For example, in the configuration of this system, the analog signal of 4-20mA output by the radar level transmitter LT-101 on site is connected to the second point of analog input module ad003 with unit number 3, the address of its configuration in PLC is ir:132; When the closed signal of valve hv120 is connected to the tenth point of the digital input module id212 installed in the second slot of the expansion rack, its configuration address in PLC is ir:01210; In this system, 142 i/o addresses are defined.