¥ 7850.00
¥ 7850.00
¥ 7850.00
易卖工控网(www.ymgk.com)提供”ABB PSTX570-600-70 1SFA898117R7000 励磁机控制模块 质保一年”,产品详情:品牌/厂家:ABB、型号:PSTX570-600-70 1SFA898117R7000、成色:全新、货期:现货 1天内发货、保修:180天,更多产品详情就上易卖工控网。
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①ABB AC800M系列模块,工业机器人零配件DSQCseries, Bailey INFI 90, 800xA,
Advant OCS with Master Software, with MOD 300software Advant OCS, Freelance –过程工业分布式控制系统,Symphony Melody, Satt OCS, Symphony DCI System Six,Harmony/ INFI 90,安全系统
③General electric(通用电气)系列产品 IC693 IC695 IC697 IC698
继电保护SR469开头 SR369开头 SR489开头 SR750开头
IS200/IS215/IS220/IS420/DS200/DS215/VMIVME开头 7750 7807
④Ticonex (英维思)系列产品 3721,3503,4351B,3625,3009
⑤Bently (本特利)3500系列大卡小卡 1900系列电源模块
3500/15 3500/20 3500/22M 3500/42M 3500/25 3500/32 3500/53
⑦ EMERSON /Westinghouse(艾默生美国西屋)系列产品OVATION系统、WDPF系统、MAX0系统备件。
DELTAV德尔塔夫VE3008/CE3008 /SE3008/VE3007/VE3006 SE4006P2
⑧Foxboro(福克斯波罗):I/A Series系统,FBM(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等 FCP270/FCP280/FBM201…FBM242
⑨Woodword 9907-167 9907-164 9907-165 5464-414 5466-316 5501-467 5501-开头 8444-开头
⑩Bosch Rexroth(博世力士乐):Indramat,I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。
Motorola(摩托):MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME5500、MVME6100等系列。
In order to ensure safety production and realize emergency treatment of emergency accidents, the external automatic tracking regulator is installed on the six regulator circuits. In case of control system failure, the tracking regulator is automatically switched to control the regulating valve independently of DCS; 21 main valves are equipped with emergency treatment button, which is independent of DCS to realize forced switch on the valve. 2.3. hardware configuration:
Omron C200 PLC is selected in the control station, and 9 digital modules (od211/ id212), 4 analog modules (ad003) and 3 regulating modules (pid03) are configured; The operation station adopts Dell opt gx150 computer; The engineer station adopts compa PC. The composition is as follows:
2.4. software configuration of control station:
The configuration of control station is based on the system software SSS of OMRON as the technical platform and ladder diagram as programming tool. The configuration contents are as follows:
2.4.1.allocation of PLC internal address:
I/o address distribution: the i/o address of PLC is the only one-to-one register address for data communication between PLC and field detection equipment and actuator. The allocation of i/o address is the basis for further configuration of PLC; For omron-c200, i/o address is related to the connected i/o module; The i/o address of the field equipment connected to the digital module depends on the installation position and the point number on the module. The i/o address of the field equipment connected to the analog module and PID module depends on the unit number of the i/o module (different modules shall be set with different unit numbers through the hard opening and closing of the module) and the point number on the module; For example, in the configuration of this system, the analog signal of 4-20mA output by the radar level transmitter LT-101 on site is connected to the second point of analog input module ad003 with unit number 3, the address of its configuration in PLC is ir:132; When the closed signal of valve hv120 is connected to the tenth point of the digital input module id212 installed in the second slot of the expansion rack, its configuration address in PLC is ir:01210; In this system, 142 i/o addresses are defined.
地址:贵州省安顺市西秀区北街街道虹山湖路42号虹山大酒店(百灵.希尔顿逸林酒店 )幢14层9号
可编程控制器 是 60 年代末在美国首先出现的,当时叫可编程逻辑控制器 PLC(Programmable Logic Controller),目的是用来取代继电器。以执行逻辑 判断、计时、计数等顺序控制功能。提出 PLC 概念的是美国通用汽车公司。PLC 的基本设计思想是把计算机功能完善、灵活、通用等优点和继电器控制系统的 简单易懂、操作方便、价格便宜等优点结合起来,控制器的硬件是标准的、通 用的。根据实际应用对象,将控制内容编成软件写入控制器的用户程序存储器 内,使控制器和被控对象连接方便。
2.3 plc特点和功能
(2)plc的主要功能。plc系统能很好的完成工业实时顺序控制、条件控制、记数控制、步进控制等功能;能够完成模/数(a/d)、数/模(d/a)转换、数据处理、通讯联网、实时监控等功能。 多年的实践表明,plc、可靠,是专为工厂设计的,具有根据工作环境要求加固的元件,实时扫描实践及故障诊断功能,故障排除简便,深得用户偏爱。 plc如此可靠的原因是一个可执行继电器逻辑、顺序功能图、功能块、结构文本、命令目录或其组合的实时核心或操作系统。若出现故障,其内置装置能保持机械受损,且能保持有序、有预见的顺序。
2.4 plc的发展趋势:有极快的逻辑运算和的逻辑控制、顺序控制能力,在离散控制中有的可靠性,方便简单易学的编程方法,使其在以离散为主的工业自动化领域中有无可争议的地位。
◆ ABB电源模块的工作频率高,一般为300KHz~1MHz.
◆ ABB电源模块体积小,超薄型,厚度一般低于20mm,重量轻,一般小于200g.
◆ ABB电源模块的功率密度大,一般为5~10W/立方厘米。
◆ ABB电源模块使用方便,外接元件少,可并联扩容,也可实现逻辑控制和遥控。
◆ ABB电源模块适用电网电压变化范围宽,一般交流电压在150V~280V波动时,输出都有稳压功能。
◆ ABB电源模块温度适应范围宽,可从-55摄氏度~+100摄氏度,一般高温基板温度为+85摄氏度,低温为0度、-20度、-40度、-55度等几个等级。
◆ ABB电源模块全密封封装,具有三防功能,防水、防尘、防撞击。
◆ ABB电源模块一般采用零电压开关或零电流开关技术,电磁兼容性好。
◆ ABB电源模块结构标准化程度高,安装方便。
Cp-s.1 series single-phase switching power supply
Single-phase 24 V DC switching power supply, from 3 A to 40 A
The main advantage
◆ Complete product line of 24 V DC output: from 72 W to 960 W, can be used in various industries, especially OEM field
◆ Wide range AC/DC input, very complete certification, including DNV, and CP-S.1 EMC grade can be installed in the ship's cab, good global versatility
The low efficiency is 89%, the high efficiency is 94%, the high efficiency is low power consumption, for customers to save operating costs, and meet the environmental requirements
◆ Provide 150% power margin, duration of 5 s, can start the load with impulse current reliably
◆ Narrow width, can save precious installation space
◆ When the OUTPUT voltage is less than 90% of the set voltage, the relay alarm contact 'OUTPUT OK' will be disconnected, the LED will flash, to provide customers with clear information
The main features
◆ Rated output voltage: 24 V DC, range: 24... 28 V DC
◆ Rated output current: 3 A, 5 A, 10 A, 20 A and 40 A
Efficiency from 89% to 94%
◆ Output power margin 150%IN, sustainable 5 s
◆ Wide range of AC and DC input, authenticated by a third party
The width of the module is very small
Cp-1 series switching power supply
The main advantage
Switching of power margin and peak current facilitates system availability
Up to 94% high efficiency reduces energy consumption, saves money and space, and reduces heat
◆ Reliable operation in harsh environment under harsh temperature conditions
◆ Coated PCBA version is suitable for dangerous places
◆ Additional redundancy unit CP-C.1-A-RU achieves true redundancy
The main features
Rated transmission voltage 24 V DC
◆ Rated output current 5 A, 10 A, 20 A
◆ Rated output power 120 W, 240 W, 480 W
◆ Operation efficiency up to 94%, save the cost during operation
◆ Working environment temperature range -25... + 70
◆ Coated PCBA version can extend the ambient temperature range to -40 during operation... + 70
Natural convection cooling - no forced fan cooling
ABB 冗余单元用于建立真正的冗余,大幅提高电气系统的连续可靠性。根据开关电源的输出电流和外壳的不同,开关电源可分为 3 类:
◆ 用于CP系列开关电源
◆ 通过 2 个集成二极管 100% 解耦,实现真正的冗余或增加输出功率
◆ 有带涂布 PCBA 的型号,可工作在严苛环境
◆ 用于CP系列开关电源
◆ 通过 2 个集成二极 管100% 解耦,实现真正的冗余或增加输出功率
◆ 用于CP系列开关电源
◆ 通过 2 个集成二极管 100% 解耦,实现真正的冗余或增加输出功率