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易卖工控网(www.ymgk.com)提供”驱动备件特性MKD090B-058-GP0-KN”,产品详情:品牌/厂家:REXROTH、型号:MKD090B-058-GP0-KN、成色:全新、货期:现货 1天内发货、保修:180天,更多产品详情就上易卖工控网。
网络犯罪已成当今世界发展快的产业之一。其范围涵盖仅仅出于好玩就发起攻击的脚本小子,以及像跨国公司一样运营的犯罪组织。随着ICS成为网络罪犯的主要目标,公司企业需采取措施做好ICS对数字威胁的防护。而要做好防护,就需要重点放在网络安全、终端安全和工业控制器安全的多层安全措施。由于控制中心选用AB公司的PLC构筑自控系统,并采用DH+网络实施远程联网。为保持一致性,空压站自控设备选用AB公司的小型PLC ——SLC-500系列可编程控制器,其带有DH+网络接口,支持DH+和DH-485网络协议。原设计为单一DH+网络结构,后仔细分析了生产实际情况和各设备的特点,以及可能存在的问题,综合各方面因素后确立了分级控制网络的实施方案。
Every industrial environment has its own physical systems - mechanical devices such as actuators, calibrators, valves, temperature sensors, and pressure sensors. These physical systems that interact with the real world are called controllers, which are special computers that bridge the behavior of physical system control and network instruction reception. In many cases, malicious hackers have obtained control of these devices, causing device failures, causing physical damage, or causing damage to the company. However, if it is only accessible but not controlled, malicious hackers cannot directly cause damage.By enhancing detection capabilities and visibility into ICS modifications and threats, implementing security measures for vulnerable controllers, monitoring suspicious access and controlling modifications, and detecting/controlling threats in a timely manner, companies can effectively prevent industrial controllers from being subjected to digital attacks.
Cybercrime has become one of the fastest growing industries in the world today. Its scope includes script kiddies who launch attacks just for fun, as well as criminal organizations that operate like multinational corporations. As ICS becomes the main target of cyber criminals, companies need to take measures to protect against digital threats through ICS. To do a good job of protection, it is necessary to focus on multi-layer security measures that focus on network security, terminal security, and industrial controller security. As the control center selects PLC from AB company to construct the automatic control system, and adopts DH+network to implement remote networking. To maintain consistency, the automatic control equipment of the air compression station uses a small PLC from AB company - SLC-500 series programmable controller, which has a DH+network interface and supports DH+and DH-485 network protocols. The original design was a single DH+network structure. After careful analysis of the actual production situation, characteristics of each equipment, and possible problems, a hierarchical control network implementation plan was established after integrating various factors.