¥ 21554.00
¥ 21554.00
¥ 21554.00
¥ 21554.00
¥ 21554.00
易卖工控网(www.ymgk.com)提供”WOODWARD调速器8440-2088具有稳定的转速运行的作用”,产品详情:品牌/厂家:woodward、型号:8440-2088、成色:全新、货期:现货 1天内发货、保修:180天,更多产品详情就上易卖工控网。
我们的伺服驱动器连续工作功率输出为 300 瓦至 50000 瓦。由于在某些驱动器中可使用峰值电流运行 5 秒钟(通常是额定连续电流的 3 倍),因此许多应用可采用较小的伺服驱动器,并且可提高伺服驱动器系列的动态性能。
连接能力是机器的一个重要方面,因此我们支持许多常用的以太网现场总线,例如:EtherCAT、EtherNet/IP、Profinet 以及 SynqNet。某些型号同样支持传统现场总线,例如:Profibus、Devicenet、CanOpen、RS485、RS232 以及 Sercos II 等。
内置于伺服驱动器的安全功能技术,是一项可使机器变得更加安全的技术。科尔摩根 S700 与 AKD2G 伺服驱动器具有内置安全功能。这样,机器制造商可以建造本质更加安全、更灵活的安全区域,并且接线与配置工作量少于以往的机器。
Cole Morgan servo drives are designed with precise control, reasonable torque, and rich functionality, providing effective support for our various rotary servo motors and linear positioning systems. Our servo drives use advanced control technology, are extremely simple to debug, and have a very compact structure. With strong connectivity, they sell well in global markets that focus on precise positioning, speed control, or torque efficiency.
Our servo drives are typically used in conjunction with our wide range of Cole Morgan servo motors (including resolvers, incremental encoders, BiSS, EnDat, Hiperface, and sinusoidal encoders) that provide popular feedback support on the market.
Our servo driver continuously operates with a power output of 300 to 50000 watts. Due to the ability to operate with peak current for 5 seconds (typically 3 times the rated continuous current) in some drives, many applications can employ smaller servo drives and improve the dynamic performance of the servo driver family.
Connectivity is an important aspect of machines, so we support many commonly used Ethernet field buses, such as EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, Profinet, and SynqNet. Some models also support traditional field buses, such as Profibus, Devicenet, CanOpen, RS485, RS232, and Sercos II.
The safety function technology built into the servo driver is a technology that can make the machine safer. The Cole Morgan S700 and AKD2G servo drivers have built-in safety features. In this way, machine manufacturers can build intrinsically safer and more flexible safety areas, with less wiring and configuration work than previous machines.
When Rated Speed is selected by closing the ldle/Rated switch contact, the fuellimit is set to the Maximum Fuel Limit set point value or the Torque Limit,whichever is less, for the current engine operating speed. The speed referenceselected at this time is determined by the status of the Enable Remote switch. IRemote reference is not selected (the Remote reference switch contacts areopen), the speed reference will ramp from low idle to rated speed, based on theAccel Time set point. Closing either the Raise or Lower