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易卖工控网(www.ymgk.com)提供”A-B 2711-K5A2/B”,产品详情:品牌/厂家:A-B、型号:2711-K5A2/B、成色:全新、货期:现货 1天内发货、保修:180天,更多产品详情就上易卖工控网。
服务理念: 让客户产品制造更轻松
公司始终秉承“诚信、高效、共赢、”的经营理念,本着“,诚信服务,客户至上”的做事态度服务于每一位新老客户,依托强有竞争力的产品,庞大的库存,过硬的质量, 快捷的货期以及售前咨询、服务,持续为广大客户提供更多更好的产品,长期稳定供应!
Bradley罗克韦尔1756-1785-1771-1784-1746-1747-1757系列模块1336、1305/1398系列触摸屏驱动,FXOBORO福克斯波罗FBM模块,140模块,TI系列MOOER模块,霍尼韦尔DCS卡件,GEDCS、PLC、工业机器人备件、伺服驱动器、输入输出模块、冗余容错控制系统卡件,公司经销产品应用于数控机械 冶金、石油天然气、石油化工、化工、造纸印刷、纺织印染、机械、电子制造、汽车制造,塑胶机械、电力、水利、水处理/环保、市政工程、锅炉供暖、能源、输配电
提供:PLC可编程控制系统,分散控制系统(DCS)安全仪表系统(SIS),ESD系统,振动监测系统,汽轮机控制 压缩机组控制系统(CCS)等各类工控系统部件
ABB Robots、FANUC Robots、YASKAWA Robots、KUKA Robots、Mitsubishi
Robots、OTC Robots、Panasonic Robots、MOTOMAN Robots等
ABB:工业机器人备件DSQC系列(中二中三,中四, S4C , S4C , IRC5)、Bailey INFI 90等。
Westinghouse(西屋): OVATION系统、WDPF系统、MAX1000系统备件Invensys Foxboro(福克斯波罗):I/A Series系统,FBM(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等。
RCG Ventures will be led by Managing Partner, Jeff Kaplan, a successful CEO, entrepreneur, and investor. Kaplan will execute RCG Ventures’ investment theses: the convergence and application of blockchain, XR, AI, IoT, WFM, big data, and analytics. “We’ve assembled an elite, high-growth team of technology, design, engineering, capital markets, sales, and marketing experts whose singular focus is on helping our partners succeed,” said Jeff Kaplan.Once reluctant to embrace new technologies, organizations in all markets now have an appetite for creative applications of emerging technologies. To understand the unique dynamics of today’s market, one only needs to look at the phenomenal growth of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in blockchain. Sales volumes NFTs hit $10.7 billion in the third quarter of 2021, an 8x increase from the previous quarter.Augmented reality is being used in retail, real estate, and education. In healthcare alone, researchers forecast that the augmented reality market will reach $4.15 billion in 2025 at a CAGR of 30.8%.“What’s most exciting is that we’ve only scratched the surface in terms of potential use-cases and the competitive advantages AI, blockchain, and AR can deliver,” noted Kaplan.